The boardwalk
Looking from the boardwalk across to the mountains surrounding the Refuge
Looking back to the Visitors Center
There was lots of vegetation as there has been plenty of rain this year.
The soil is very salty from the minerals leaching to the surface. We saw a Jack Rabbit but he was so fast I couldn't get his picture. I really would have rather chased him but Mommy wouldn't let me. Mommy is mean!
One of many water holes in the Refuge. This one had tiny fish, minnows, that would have been fun to chase but Mommy and Daddy wouldn't let me jump in the water. They always spoil my fun!
Lush vegetation around one of the many streams.
Spring-loving Centaury [Zeltnera namoplila]
This beautiful pink flower was all around the Visitors Center boardwalk. They said it was abundant this year due to the good amount of rain. This flower has made a wonderful come-back since the Refuge opened. It blooms from July through September.
More Spring-loving Centaury along with Mojave Thistle [Cirsium mohavense]. The Thistle was about out of bloom but still pretty. Mommy likes flowers. They are lost on me unless I can eat them. Duncan just wants to pee on them. He has no class....
Another stream with swamp grass on the sides and in the stream.
Controversy abounds! In 1980, some people wanted to develop this area with 30,000 houses, strip malls, hotels and an airport. Lass, Duncan and I want this Refuge kept as is! We love walking the boardwalks and exploring! We want to keep the pupfish! They are cute!
Mommy said the population of the pupfish is growing. At the last count in April, there were 111 pupfish! Yeah!!! Pupfish!
These leaves are from the Yerba Mansa plant [Anemopsis californica]. They bloom in spring so we missed it but Mommy loved the colorful leaves. In spring, the plant has large white blossoms. [May through June]
From the boardwalk at the Visitors Center, we drove to Point of Rocks [Daddy loved that road too]. Because there has been so much rain, the Big Horn Sheep graze there every morning. We were too late to see them but it was a pretty walk on the boardwalk anyway.
Another watering hole. This one is along the boardwalk at Point of Rocks.
The lush grass along Point of Rocks boardwalk.
This wonderful oasis in the middle of the desert is a wonderful retreat from the city and problems. How wonderful to come out here to relax, enjoy nature, and reflect on the good in life.
Duncan, Lass and I want to come back early in the morning. Maybe then we can see some sheep! Lass and I would love that. Duncan can sleep....
Next time, Daddy says he is renting a Jeep and putting it on Mommy's credit card. Daddy is such a wuss....
Till next time--