Thursday, 13
April 2017
I've been looking out my window again. We took another road trip to Michigan and arrived this afternoon and settled into our campsite. Duncan and Lass and I recognized it right
away! We have been here before! I remember the squirrels, the pine trees and
all the animal smells. It is good to be
Our trip was uneventful as soon as the wind decided to go away. Sometimes the wind gusts were 50 miles per
hour. The first two days were awful!
Lass threw up. What a wuss. She is
a Border Collie after all. She does not
like the wind and the bumpy roads.
Duncan slept through it. I loved
it. Ride ‘em cowgirl.
Tomorrow Mom
and Dad pick up the rental car. I think
that means we get to stay here! That’s
ok…. We like the smells here! And the trees are all the right height.
Friday, 14
April 2017
Cloudy and
cool. Looks like rain though none is
predicted for today. We will see. Smells like it to me. You know how sensitive my nose is.
day! Not a drop of rain in sight. So much for my nose!
Saturday, 15
April 2017
I was
right! It rained overnight. My nose was right after all.
Thursday, 20
April 2017
Mommy and Daddy
came home tonight and found Duncan standing on the dashboard in the window. “How much is that doggie in the window…” He was trying to hide behind the curtain but
they saw him. I told him he would get in trouble, as I urged him on! He had been watching the
people next door move in. He is so
nosy!! I was being good and not making
any noise or doing bad things like sitting on the table or walking on the
dashboard. And Lass was just as
bad… she let him do it!!! Worse yet, Mommy and Daddy didn’t punish Duncan! They just lifted him down and took him
out! How come he is so "special."
So much for
being good!
Saturday, 22
April 2017
Today I met two
new friends! Their names are Winchester and Remington. After all,
they are hunting dogs. They are big
labs, one yellow and one black, and they thought I was wonderful! Mommy and Daddy wouldn’t let me play. They said I might get in the family way and I
don’t want that. What’s that? Is this that "birds and bees" stuff? Winnie and Remi really liked me.
Today, Remi's and Winnie's mommy and daddy were entered in a chili cookoff. They competed with other people and didn’t
get any prizes but I bet they had the best chili! They were very nice and they liked me the
best! Duncan barked at Winchester. Lass woow-woowed them and they thought she
was ok, I guess. They were from
Sunday, 23
April 2017
Today Mommy and
Daddy came home and Duncan was on the dash again. This time Mommy got pictures. Now I have proof! I'm sending it to the FBI.
Monday, 24 April 2017
Today is my birthday!! I am one year old and all grown up! O-oh, now I have to behave... maybe it is not such a good thing I have broadcast this...
Monday, 01 May
It has been
raining and cold most every day and because of that we have not been able to
get out to play. This past weekend many
people and dogs were here at the campground.
They had a fly-ball tournament.
I didn't know dogs could fly. I thought that was limited to pigs. They were loud! Lass, Duncan and
I were not invited. We met some new
people and dogs but Mommy and Daddy still won’t let me play! Not fair!!
Saturday, 06
May 2017
Today the sun
is out and we are leaving Michigan. Why
Daddy? The sun is finally out and we can
play outdoors! Not fair! We are heading to Ohio to visit Grammy’s
sister. Daddy has promised that the
park we will stay in has a dog park so we can play! Ok… I
will go… You promised…
We traveled
south to Ohio. The area has received a
very large amount of rain and flooding is everywhere. I wanted to go out and play in the water but
mommy said, no. She said the rivers were
over their banks and running so fast I would be swept away. There were many fields covered with
water. Mommy said this will set the
farmers back a month or more. Does that
mean the sheep will be swept away too if they try to play in the water?
We arrived at
the RV park in the rain. Thunder
too. Duncan and Lass were scared. Not me!! I'm tough. Soon it cleared and the sun came out.
I hope that means tomorrow will be better so we can go play in the dog
park. Mommy and Daddy promised….
Sunday, 07 May
We played and
played and played in the dog run. I
found a tennis ball but Mommy wouldn’t let me play with it. I had to play with my ball, Duncan had his
ball and Lass had her ball. We had such
fun…. Then some other dogs came to play
but they DID NOT want to play with us!
Their Mommy said that they do not play well with others…. I agree!
They barked at us! And Duncan
barked right back! So, we left and came
back to the coach. What a nice day!
12 - 16 May 2017
North Platte, NE
Lass and Duncan and I do not like North Platte as well as some places. There is no dog park and our "area" is right next to the road. We are never allowed off leash. I want to run!
We visited Buffalo Bill's, William F Cody's, homestead called Scout's Rest. It is now on the National Register and open to the public. The house has memorabilia from his Wild West Shows and his time as a scout. At the peak of the barn is Annie Oakley's signature: a replica of a Queen of Heart's card with a bullet hole in the middle. The visible rafters on the outside of the barn are fashioned as gun stocks. Scout's Rest was built in 1886 and cost $5,900. The grounds and buildings are a treasure and we hope they will be forever cared for and open to the public.
More new friends from North Platte. They didn't seem very interesting in playing with a dog my size. Too bad, we would have had fun.
North Platte is the hub for the Union Pacific Railroad. The top two pictures are of the engines in the museum... the first being a steam engine, the 3977, and the second a diesel engine, the 6922. The 3977 was built in 1943 to service both freight and passengers and had a maximum speed of 70mph. It was retired in 1961 and is the only one of this class on display in the world.
The third picture is of the rail yard, Bailey Yard, and the picture does not at all give the impression of the vastness of the yard. It is huge! It is the largest railroad classification yard in the world covering 2850 acres. All east/west cars travel through this junction as well as North/South traffic. This is where all of the switching and many repairs take place. Approximately 3000 cars are sorted daily. Mommy loves trains so she was thrilled to see this yard. She told me that when she was a youngster, like me, she rode the train almost every week for a couple of years.
There is a tower, called Golden Spike Tower, where Mommy and Daddy went to overlook the whole yard. Did you know that sometimes when they want to move a train they move it with a tractor? Mommy thought that was fascinating! She said they use tractors for everything!! I want a tractor.. it sounds like fun, I think...
Daddy spent his summers in North Platte when he was little and we went to see his grandparent's camp where he spent many of his summer days... and where he saw the bear!! [You'll have to ask Daddy...]
Daddy said it hasn't changed that much. The windows in front look out onto the water. It is for sale.
19 May 2017
We are at the
most wonderful RV Park! It is
called: USA RV Park and is in Gallup,
NM. Lass, Duncan and I LOVE it! It has a dog run where we can play and be off
leash! We are having so much fun! Mommy and Daddy are not throwing the ball enough though… we could go on forever!! Duncan barked at a pup who wanted to play
with us. We had to leave so she could
come in. Duncan just does not play well
with others. He thinks the park is his…
Mommy and I met a lady who used to have border collies and aussies. She loved me best and was always so glad to see me! Everyday she would pat me... but she made me behave and sit before she would. She told me that I was wonderful and that she liked me the best! Can I stay here?
Mommy and Daddy
have rented a car so they can explore the area.
They are having fun too but we are having more fun!! We can look out the windows and watch all the
other dogs and people as they walk around the park. Duncan stood on the dashboard again, but we talked him down before Mommy and Daddy came back. It's a dog secret. We have been walking too. So many new smells!! I like New Mexico.
20 May 2017
Shiprock, 7178
ft, is in the Four Corners region and is very sacred to the Navajo.
From Shiprock,
we traveled west through the Navajo Nation through Red Rock Valley, beautiful, and
over the Chuska Mountains. Spectacular
views! The road was curvy and
narrow… Mommy said she was glad we were
in a car and not the coach. At the
higher elevations, there was still snow on the ground… on May 20th!! I wanted to get out and play but everyone
said NO! Fun-spoilers….

saw many Hogans along the way. Now the
dwelling is used more for ceremonial purposes, births, weddings, healing
ceremonies, but long ago they were the home of the nomadic Navajo. The word hooghan
translates as “place home”. The Hogan
is generally multisided, six or eight sides, or it can be round. The summer Hogan was generally made of
juniper limbs, planks or canvas to allow for air circulation. The winter Hogan is solid. The door always faces East to welcome the
rising sun. Traditions are followed
carefully when building a Hogan, living in them and participating in
ceremonies. For example, for
ceremonies, women sit on the North side, men sit on the South and the chanter
is on the West. The Hogan is used for
all ceremonies except dying. If a death
does occur, the Hogan is abandoned or burned.
[The HOGAN, The Traditional
Navajo Home, copyright 1999 by Scott Thybony, Published by Western
National Parks Association Tucson, AZ]

On the way to Canyon de Chelly, we saw some horses. Mommy thought they were wild but they had shoes on so she said they were not. Why can't I have shoes?? I like Nikes best!!
Canyon de Chelly
is a National Monument established in 1931. It is in north east Arizona outside of Chinle and is part of the Navajo Nation. The monument is managed by both the Park Service and the Navajo Nation.
Mommy said the last time she was here it was cold, windy and snowing. But what a picture-perfect day today!
Many years ago, Daddy spent two years working on the reservation. His base was Gallop for the first year and he lived on the reservation for the second. Can I do that too? I could run and run and run.... Lass, you can come too... we will gather all the sheep....
And, yes, there is a truck driving through the river! Native Americans live, farm and raise livestock in the canyon. I didn't see any sheep.... Lass didn't either.... Duncan slept, as usual.
There are walking and jeep tours that take tourists into the canyon. It is beautiful, and as usual, pictures do not do it justice.
Lass, Duncan and I want to come back to Gallop and we want to go back to the USA RV Park! We had so much fun....
24 May 2017
We are back home now. The grass in the back yard had grown so tall you could not see us standing in the grass. We dogs played dog battleship. It's so much fun. Lass, Duncan and I are settling in but we are looking forward to our next adventure!!!